
Create Channel

Method URL http://<report_container_url>:<container_port>/report/v1/inbound_channel.create
Content Type application/json

Request Arguments

Required Arguments Data Type How To Use Default
customer string Customer to associate this channel to None
integration string Can be one of: appdynamics, pagerduty, opsgenie, victorops None
Optional Arguments Data Type How To Use Default
auth_password string Password used to update source of integration (e.g. incident in PagerDuty) with Root Cause Analysis report None
auth_username string User Name used to update source of integration (e.g. incident in PagerDuty) with Root Cause Analysis report None
deployments string Comma separated list of deployments associated with this channel Empty string
(all deployments)
enabled boolean Enable or disable this integration True
region string Used for OpsGenie and can be US or EU US

Example Request Payload

    "customer": "acme",
    "integration": "pagerduty",
    "auth_password": "mypasswd",
    "auth_username": "myuser",
    "deployments": "acme_trial",
    "enabled": true,
    "region": "US",

Example Response Payload

NOTE: webhook contains the URL you will use in your integration to communicate with Zebrium to request a RCA Report.

  "data": {
    "auth_password": "mypasswd",
    "auth_username": "myuser",
    "create_time": "2021-06-30 19:06:23.494928",
    "create_user_id": "eae3daf8-a5bf-406c-ac4e-1e3bea2b043c",
    "customer": ""acme"",
    "deployments": "acme_trial",
    "enabled": true,
    "id": "cc6dc571-4da1-4477-a94d-848ba9a0e848",
    "integration": "pagerduty",
    "modify_time": "2021-06-30 19:06:23.494928",
    "modify_user_id": "eae3daf8-a5bf-406c-ac4e-1e3bea2b043c",
    "region": "US",
    "siid": "cf6a6c67-53b1-4f44-8cb0-8a6e1b7243fd",
    "token": "2F2524443CEA02FGE45D22FFB800E715BC71FC45"
    "webhook": ""
  "error": {
    "code": 200,
    "message": "200 OK"