

Zebrium’s fluentd output plugin is used to send logs from your docker containers and docker host to Zebrium for automated Anomaly detection. Our github repository is located here.

ze-fluentd-plugin for docker environments

Getting Started


  1. Get Zebrium API server URL and authentication token from Zebrium.
  2. Determine what deployment name to use.
  3. Run the following command in a shell on host:
    curl | ZE_LOG_COLLECTOR_URL=<ZAPI_URL> ZE_LOG_COLLECTOR_TOKEN=<AUTH_TOKEN> ZE_HOST_TAGS="ze_deployment_name=<deployment_name>" /bin/bash

    The default system log file paths are defined by the ZE_LOG_PATHS environment variable. Its default value is


    The ZE_USER_LOG_PATHS environment variable can be used to add more user specific log file paths. For example, to add app log files at /app1/log/app1.log and /app2/log/\*.log, you can set ZE_USER_LOG_PATHS to:



The ZE_DEPLOYMENT_NAME label essentially defines a failure domain boundary for anomaly correlation. This allows you to collect logs from multiple applications and isolate the logs of one application from another application so as not to mix these in a Root Cause Report. This is referred to as Service Groups in the Zebrium UI.


The upgrade command is similar to the installation command:

curl | ZE_LOG_COLLECTOR_URL=<ZAPI_URL> ZE_LOG_COLLECTOR_TOKEN=<AUTH_TOKEN> ZE_HOST_TAGS="ze_deployment_name=<deployment_name>" OVERWRITE_CONFIG=1 /bin/bash

Please note setting OVERWRITE_CONFIG to 1 will cause /etc/td-agent/td-agent.conf to be upgraded to latest version.


curl | ZE_OP=uninstall /bin/bash


The configuration file for td-agent is at /etc/td-agent/td-agent.conf. The following parameters must be configured for your instance:

Parameter Description Note
ze_log_collector_url Zebrium log host URL Provided by Zebrium once your account has been created.
ze_log_collector_token Authentication token Provided by Zebrium once your account has been created.
path Log files to read ferom the Docker Host (if desired) Both files and file patterns are allowed. Files should be separated by comma. The default value is `"/var/log/*.log,/var/log/syslog,/var/log/messages,/var/log/secure"`
ze_host_tags Host meta data This parameter is optional. You can pass meta data in key-value pairs, the format is: "key1=value1,key2=value2". We suggest at least set one tag for deployment name: "ze_deployment_name=<your_deployment_name>"

Docker Container Log Collection

When Zebrium’s log collector is installed and started on the Docker host, the service monitors Docker containers using the docker inspect command to find the container log file path automatically. No further configuration is necessary.

User Log Paths for Docker Host Log Collection

User log paths can be configured via /etc/td-agent/log-file-map.conf. During log collector service startup, if /etc/td-agent/log-file-map.conf exists, log collector service script writes log paths defined in /etc/td-agent/log-file-map.conf to /etc/td-agent/conf.d/user.conf. Please note any user log paths configured at installation time via ZE_USER_LOG_PATHS must be added to /etc/td-agent/log-file-map.conf to avoid being overwritten.

  "mappings": [
      "file": "/app1/log/error.log",
      "alias": "app1_error"
      "file": "/app2/log/error.log",
      "alias": "app2_error"
      "file": "/var/log/*.log",
      "exclude": "/var/log/my_debug.log,/var/log/my_test.log"

Filtering Specific Log Events

If you wish to exclude certain sensitive or noisy events from being sent to Zebrium, you can filter them at the source collection point by doing the following:

  1. Add the following in /etc/td-agent/td-agent.conf after other “@include”:
    @include conf.d/log_msg_filters.conf
  2. Create a config file /etc/td-agent/conf.d/log_msg_filters.conf containing:
    <filter TAG_FOR_LOG_FILE>
      @type grep
        key message
        pattern /<PATTERN_FOR_LOG_MESSAGES>/
  3. Restart td-agent: sudo systemctl restart td-agent


Below is an example log_msg_filters.conf for filtering out specific messages from a Vertica log file at /fast1/vertica_catalog/zdb/v_zdb_node0001_catalog/vertica.log

In this example, the Fluentd tag for file is node.logs.<FILE_NAME_REPLACE_/_WITH_DOT> (i.e replace all slashes with dots in the file path).

<filter node.logs.fast1.vertica_catalog.zdb.v_zdb_node0001_catalog.vertica.log>
  @type grep
    key message
    pattern /^[^2]|^.[^0]|TM Merge|Authenticat|[Ll]oad *[Bb]alanc[ei]|\[Session\] <INFO>|\[Catalog\] <INFO>|\[Txn\] <INFO>|Init Session.*<LOG>/

Environment Variables



Start/stop Fluentd on CentOS 7/Ubuntu 16.04/18.04

Fluentd agent can be started or stopped with the command:

sudo systemctl <start | stop> td-agent

Start/stop Fluentd on CentOS 6

On CentOS 6, Fluentd agent can be started or stopped with the command:

sudo /etc/init.d/td-agent <start | stop>

Testing your installation

Once the collector has been deployed in your environment, your logs and anomaly detection will be available in the Zebrium UI.


In the event that Zebrium requires the collector logs for troubleshooting, logs are located here:

  1. Collector installation log: /tmp/zlog-collector-install.log.*
  2. Collector runtime log: /var/log/td-agent/td-agent.log

Please contact Zebrium at if you need any assistance.


  • Brady Zuo (Zebrium)