
receive Signals from ScienceLogic Runbook Automation

Integration Overview

  1. Setup a user with restricted access to minimally required API access hooks.
  2. Setup Webhook Credentials and HTTP Action Policy for sending Webhook to Zebrium.
  3. Create a ScienceLogic Integration in Zebrium using the information from step 1 and step 2.
  4. Setup Runbook Automation to Augment tickets with Root Cause Reports.

Integration Details

STEP 1: Create a User with Restricted API Access

Define a new Access Key for API Access in ScienceLogic

  1. Select the System tab.
  2. Click on Manage in the navigation pane to expand.
  3. Click on Access Keys.
  4. Click on Key Manager.
  5. Enter an appropriate Name (e.g. API Access for Zebrium).
  6. Select API Access as the Key Category
  7. Enter an appropriate Key Description.
  8. Under Hook Alignment, select the following Unaligned Access Hooks on the left-hand side.
      Event Note:Add/Rem
  9. Click ยป to move the selected Access Hooks to Aligned Access Hooks on the right-hand side.
  10. Click the Save button.

Define a new User Policy using the new Access Key in ScienceLogic

  1. Select the Registry tab.
  2. Click on Accounts in the navigation pane to expand.
  3. Click on User Policies.
  4. Click on Create.
  5. Under Privilege Keys, select the Access Key (created above) under the API Access section.
  6. Complete the remaining fields according to your accepted policies.
  7. Click the Save button.

Define a new User using the new User Policy in ScienceLogic

  1. Select the Registry tab.
  2. Click on Accounts in the navigation pane to expand.
  3. Click on User Accounts.
  4. Click on Create.
  5. Under Require Password Reset, ensure Next Login is unchecked.
  6. Under Account Type, select Policy Membership.
  7. Under Policy Membership, select the new User Policy created above.
  8. Complete the remaining fields according to your accepted policies.
  9. Note the Username and Password for use in STEP 3.
  10. Click the Save button.

STEP 2: Setup Webhook Credentials and HTTP Action Policy in ScienceLogic

Create Credentials

  1. Select the System tab.
  2. Click on Manage in the navigation pane to expand.
  3. Click on Credentials.
  4. From the Actions menu, select Create SOAP/XML Host Credential
  5. Enter an appropriate Profile Name.
  6. Under Context Encoding, select text/xml.
  7. Under Method, select [POST].
  8. Under HTTP Version, select [HTTP/1.1].
  9. Enter a HTTP Auth User and HTTP Auth Password (can be anything you make up) and save for use in STEP 3.
  10. Click the Save button.
  11. Locate the newly created Credential from the list and note the numeric Credential ID for use in the next step when you Create a Runbook HTTP Action.

NOTE: You will need to fill in the URL field after you create a ScienceLogic Integration in STEP 3 below.

Create a HTTP Request Action

  1. Select the Registry tab.
  2. Click on Run Book in the navigation pane to expand.
  3. Click on Actions.
  4. Click on Create.
  5. Enter an appropriate Action Name.
  6. Under Action Type, select Make an HTTP Request (2.0).
  7. In the Input Parameters, enter:
      "dynapp_guid": "",
      "url_override" : "",
      "relative_url": "",
      "payload": "{\"event_timestamp_first\": \"%d\", \"event_id\":\"%e\", \"event_message\" : \"%M\", \"event_counter\" : \"%c\" }",
      "command_label": "zebrium_rca"
  8. Click the Save button.

STEP 3: Create a ScienceLogic Integration in Zebrium to Receive Signals from ScienceLogic

  1. From the User menu area in Zebrium, click on the Settings (hamburger) Menu.
  2. Select Integrations.
  3. Scroll to the Observability Dashboards section and click on ScienceLogic.
  4. Click on the Create a New Integration button.
  5. Click on the General tab.
  6. Enter an Integration Name for this integration.
  7. Select the Deployment for the integration.
  8. Select the Service Group(s) for the integration.
  9. Click on the Receive Signals tab.
  10. Click on the Enabled button.
  11. Enter the Username and Password created in STEP 1 above.
  12. Enter the fully qualified Appliance URL to your instance of ScienceLogic (/api/<api_endpoint> will be added automatically by the integration)
  13. Enter the Username and Password for Webhook Basic Authentication from STEP 2 above.
  14. Click the Save button.
  15. Copy the Webhook URL and save for use in STEP 4 and click OK.
  16. Return to the Webhook Credential created in STEP 2 and add the Webhook to the URL field.

STEP 4: Setup Runbook Automation to Augment tickets with Root Cause Reports.

You will now be able to use the Zebrium Signal Webhook HTTP Request Action, created in STEP 2, in your Runbook Automation to instruct Zebrium to Augment a ScienceLogic Ticket with a Root Cause Report.

Here is an example snippet from an Automation Policy Aligned Actions section:

    1. Create Ticket [21]: My Ticket Template
    2. Make an HTTP Request [102]: Zebrium Signal Webhook


If you need help with this integration, please contact Zebrium by sending email to